IAMAT |International Association of Medical Assistance to Travellers| IAMAT |International Association of Medical Assistance to Travellers|

Editorial Policy

Photo By: Steven Schwartzberg

Our commitment to editorial integrity

The website’s goal is to provide news about our travel medicine scholarships as well as general travel health resources for trip planning purposes.

The travel health resources provided on www.iamat.org are meant to complement, not substitute, the advice of your healthcare provider. To ensure that all your travel health needs are covered, seek assistance from your doctor or travel health clinic.

How we do it

Our travel health resources include sources such as the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Committee to Advise on Tropical Medicine and Travel (CATMAT), NaTHNaC, the International Society for Infectious Diseases' ProMED-mail service, and peer reviewed articles in medical and scientific journals.

How the IAMAT website and Blog are funded

The website and Blog are exclusively funded by the financial means of our organization through the donations from IAMAT supporters. We declare no conflict of interest and certify that no return benefit is derived by the donor.

Using our Blog and social media channels

Our Blog and social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) are intended to provide news on our scholarships and lectureships, promoting our general travel health resources, and the latest news in travel health. They are moderated by IAMAT staff who do not have any conflicts of interest. We make every effort to moderate and respond to comments or questions as soon as we are alerted by the user.

If you post a comment on an IAMAT social media channel that is not from personal experience or general knowledge, please cite a reputable source with the health information you provide to enhance the conversation.

All comments posted to an IAMAT social media post should be respectful and true to the best of your knowledge. Moderators reserve the right to erase any comments they judge inappropriate without notification.

To maintain strict ethical standards, IAMAT does not accept comments that are advertisements for products or events, or are commercial in nature. We also do not accept third-party advertising on our Blog nor do we participate in link, banner, or content exchanges.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us and maintaining your trust and confidence is one of our highest priorities. We make every effort to ensure that your privacy is protected.

Our Privacy Policy outlines the information we collect about you and about your use of IAMAT's website, Blog and social media channels. It also explains the choices you have about how your personal information is used and how we protect that information.

Read our full Privacy Policy

Last reviewed and updated: December 18, 2020