IAMAT |International Association of Medical Assistance to Travellers| IAMAT |International Association of Medical Assistance to Travellers|

Healthy Travel for Seniors

Photo By: Erika Uffer

Healthy Travel: A Pocket Guide for Seniors 

This helpful book contains expert medical advice and health tips, wisdom and pragmatism; a user-friendly guide for anyone embarking on a new adventure.

– John Gatherer, Author and publisher of Wildlife and Travel Photography

Travel is exciting and can even be life-changing. Whether we travel for cultural and educational experiences, to visit friends and family or to explore places we have longed to see, we gain new perspectives and experiences. As we age, we become less resilient to health risks and more likely to be managing a chronic condition – but this should not prevent us from travelling the world.

Healthy Travel: A Pocket Guide for Seniors is an easy-to-use reference guide tailored to the needs of older travellers. Each chapter features checklists and advice to help you stay healthy at every stage of your trip. 

Read a sample (PDF)

The guide offers practical advice on a range of topics, including:

Book details and chapter list (PDF)

Whether you are managing a medical condition or simply mindful of your health, this guide will give you the peace of mind to travel confidently, wherever your adventure takes you.

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Please contact us to order your copy of Healthy Travel. Prices include shipping and handling.

USA - $12.00 (USD)
Canada - $13.00 (CAD)
International - $15.00 (USD)

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Discounts are available for large orders. Proceeds go toward IAMAT’s Travel Medicine Scholarships program.

Are you a health practitioner? Healthy Travel is the companion publication to The Older Traveller: A Guide for the Health Professional.

Last reviewed and updated: February 9, 2018