IAMAT |International Association of Medical Assistance to Travellers| IAMAT |International Association of Medical Assistance to Travellers|

Give to Scholarships

Photo By: Huiquan Yang

Make the world a healthier place to travel

International travel, improper and delayed diagnosis, and underserved health facilities create the perfect storm for the spread of infectious diseases and ill health. Improving access to quality travel health care reduces these illnesses. That’s where our scholars make a difference in the lives of travellers and local patients alike.

You can help us make the world a healthier place to travel by sponsoring an IAMAT scholar.

Support an IAMAT Scholar

Our donors make a huge difference in the lives of our scholars and their patients. Whether you are travelling or not, you can support our scholars with a donation. 


Who are IAMAT scholars?

They’re young doctors and nurses from countries where travel medicine is an emerging specialty. Our scholars are fully licensed practitioners who see local patients and travellers in their practice, but have not been able to access specialized travel medicine training. 

IAMAT Scholars are leaders who are already practicing aspects of travel medicine or working to introduce travel health services in their community.

Meet our scholars

Why support IAMAT scholars?

Supporting an IAMAT scholar enables a young doctor or nurse to access specialized travel medicine education. IAMAT scholars would otherwise be unable to train in travel medicine because training programs are prohibitively expensive or non-existent in their country. Your donation pays for our scholars’ course tuition fees, educational resources, and accommodations.

When you give to IAMAT, you help our scholars get the training they need to provide trusted travel health services and improve health standards in their community, benefitting travellers and local patients.

Learn more about IAMAT scholarships

How can I support IAMAT scholars?

Every donation makes a difference to help fund our scholarship programs. 

With your support, we can award more scholarships to dedicated and hardworking healthcare practitioners and expand travel medicine services in more communities.

Donate today!

Other ways to give: Leave a legacy gift

You can also support IAMAT scholars by leaving a legacy gift in your estate. Your gift will sponsor a full scholarship in your name so that travel medicine can be introduced to more countries, benefitting travellers and local communities.

Learn more about legacy giving

Scholarships named after our legacy donors include:

Robert Haru Fisher Travel Medicine Scholarship

Stella & George Bryant Travel Medicine Scholarship

Violet Williams Travel Medicine Scholarship

IAMAT Scholars: In their own words

Our scholars explain how their travel medicine scholarship training enhances the health of travellers and local patients in their community.

Gordon Amoh


2021 Robert Haru Fisher Scholarship
“My eyes have been opened to the limitless opportunities that exist in travel medicine, especially in a country like Ghana where this field of medicine is now emerging. I am now convinced more than ever that irrespective of wherever I find myself in the foreseeable future, travel medicine will be part of my story. In the next five years, I hope to establish myself as a leading travel medicine expert in Ghana through various activities such as pre- and post-travel assessments, consultancy, advocacy, and research."

Jackson Matusiya


2020 Violet Williams Scholar
Travel medicine is an important field that is hugely under-appreciated and not well understood in my country...

[The] IAMAT scholarship has given me a fresh new perspective in my career. I now cannot wait to share my knowledge, skills and experiences with my colleagues and students. Most importantly, with this training and the revamping of our travel association, I feel more empowered to go out and lobby for, and engage with relevant policy changes, as well as help create a local travel medicine network within the larger East African region."

Ahmad Mosad Ibraheem

2016 Violet Williams Scholar
“I have a dream to expand travel medicine in the Middle East, especially in Arab countries.

First, I am planning to introduce travel medicine to my region as most people haven’t heard of it and then I will teach my colleagues about many important aspects of travel medicine. I will start to practice travel medicine with my patients. Finally, I am thinking of designing a travel health application in Arabic.”

Ali Raza (right) and Vinay Vaidya (left) 
Pakistan & Nepal

2013 IAMAT Scholars
“Being a doctor working in a Travel and Mountain Medicine Center in Kathmandu, Nepal, I see increasing numbers of international travellers every year. The IAMAT Scholarship has helped me tremendously in making the journey of travellers safe.”
- Vinay Vaidya

“When I first arrived in Lanzhou, my skin started to chap and I had an unbearable itch. Being a doctor, I knew that it was an allergy to the dry climate, but I did not have a solution to treat it. I felt ashamed that I could not cure myself. This sparked my interest in travel medicine knowledge; I want to be able to diagnose and treat travellers who may encounter the same problems I had.” - Ali Raza

Marybeth Maritim, Certificate in Travel Health®

2018 Violet Williams Scholar
“The course highlighted the importance of travel medicine beyond the provision of vaccines. The medical services I will provide for patients will be comprehensive, focusing on empowering the patient to change their behaviour in order to reduce their disease risk.”

Meng Jing (right) and  Ye Wei (left)

2009 IAMAT Scholars
"IAMAT builds such a great platform for us to learn and practice travel medicine. I am honoured to be a member of the IAMAT family, and I believe our family will grow bigger and the ties between us will become closer.”
- Meng Jing

“The IAMAT scholarship has given me a new way to understand and practise travel medicine in my daily work. I provide medical care built on relationships of trust and professionalism. I perform pre-travel health screenings, give vaccinations, and provide medical consultations to patients applying for visas to the US, UK, and Australia. Our patients will be exposed to a different health environment and stay there for quite a long time. Travel healthcare for them is extremely important.” - Ye Wei

Nsisong Asanga

2019 Stella & George Bryant Scholar
“Now, I have the right, globally recognised and utilized resources, and I am making informed, evidence-based decisions. With the newly established Nigerian Society of Travel Medicine, the growing number of trained travel medicine professionals and the increased interest in the field, it can only get bigger and better. This year, I will be introducing some doctors to travel medicine as part of their public health training.”

Paul Yonga

2019 Violet Williams Scholar
“The scholarship has helped me immensely in broadening my knowledge and expertise in travel medicine, and it has equipped me with the confidence and skills to independently practice as a travel medicine specialist in Kenya”.

Tian Lingling, Certificate in Travel Health®

2011 IAMAT Scholar
“The scholarship training was a really special experience, which has helped me a lot in my daily work. Talking about Yellow Fever, Malaria or Traveller’s Diarrhea, and giving advice on travel health is an important part of my work, but I want to do more than that. I’m working with colleagues to develop software to help us work more effectively. We also work on Weixin, which allows us to connect with travellers directly. We can collect information about the travel and the traveller, send travel health tips, and give advice if necessary.”

Yetunde Fadipe


2018 Stella & George Bryant Scholar
“The course and clinical observations have given me a broader knowledge of travel medicine, and I will now be able to provide comprehensive and detailed travel medicine advice and services to my patients. Further, I am now better positioned to provide educational resources to my patients and direct them to information that will enable them to make informed decisions about their health and travel.”

Are you a doctor or nurse interested in travel medicine?

Learn how you can become the next IAMAT scholar:

Apply to scholarships

Last reviewed and updated: October 2023