IAMAT |International Association of Medical Assistance to Travellers| IAMAT |International Association of Medical Assistance to Travellers|

General Resources

Photo By: Ian Calvert

Welcome to IAMAT's Resource Centre!

Here you'll find general travel health advice to help you stay well on your trip. Check out our most popular publications in Featured Resources and explore the full resource library below.

For a list of essential resources to help you plan a trip and stay well abroad, see:

Featured Resources

  • Travel Health 101The basics of travel health and how to access doctors abroad

    Travel Health 101  
  • Travelling with MedicationHow to pack and travel with prescription medication

    Travelling with medications  
  • Travel and Mental HealthHow to manage stress, anxiety, and a pre-existing illness

    Mental Health  
  • Responsible TourismRespecting the people and places you visit

    Responsibile Tourism  
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Guides and Charts

Planning Tools and Tips

Travel Health Basics

Insect and Animal Safety

Travel and Mental Health

Travel Health Insurance

Travelling with a Health Condition

Type of Travel